According to Het Nieuwsblad, World Port Classics is uncertain for the next seasons. The two-day race, who was created in 2012 to continue the legacy of the 2010 Tour de France grand depart in Rotterdam, has run out of money. Hans den Oudendammer explained the situation:
"The money has finished. The city in any case, has no new money for investing. They have two months in which to seek resources from companies and organisations. Failing that, it's over. The stage race just never gave us what we had in mind. Both cities are not really satisfied with the return."
The City’s sport coordinator Geert Bruynseels added: "There was never any question of a concept that Antwerp would be only organiser. For us, two things are important. Firstly, what is going to happen with Rotterdam? Will they find resources? Do they continue? I hear little positive things but maybe there's still a chance for a new start. Second, imagine that Rotterdam has no money, what will ASO do? I have asked them that question and is now waiting for an answer."
Florian BRUGGER 43 years | today |
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