Robert Gesink is excited about the route for the Olympic road race in Rio de Janeiro."It's super tough," he told De Telegraaf. "There is a fairly steep climb and a very technical descent. I am satisfied. The harder the better."
The LottoNL-Jumbo rider departed last week to Brazil to do a recon of the course. He was joined by Wilco Kelderman, Steven Kruijswijk, Anna van der Breggen, Ellen van Dijk, Chantal Blaak and Annemiek van Vleuten.
Gesink has been considering how to prepare for the Olympics. He has been considering going for GC at the Giro and then do the Tour with a focus on stage wins. "It would be perfect to ride the Tour de France to prepare. In which role I will ride the Tour, is still unclear."
National coach Johan Lammerts will face the tough job to making his selection. There are only four Dutch spots for the men's road race.
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